You will get a responsive and interactive dashboard and a perfect predictive model
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You will get a responsive and interactive dashboard and a perfect predictive model

I will build interactive and responsive dashboards as well as predictive models for good decision making. I will leverage on modern tools to draw insights from data both for a given sample or a population. I will do both descriptive, inferential statistics and also probability to help come to a valid conclusion that suits any business goals, needs or objectives 


  1. Python 
  2. R
  3. Excel
  4. Power BI 
  5. SQL 
  6. Tableau 
  7. Looker studio 

Louis onu Inactive

Data scientist | Data Analyst | Web developer · Bar Municipality, Nigeria

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Data analysis
  • Visualization
  • EDA
  • Data science
  • Hyper parameter tunning
  • Charges


  • 2
  • Less than a month
  • 0
  • ₦35,000


  • 4
  • Less than a week
  • 0
  • ₦50,000


  • 7
  • 3 Days
  • 0
  • ₦110,000